The Vimax pill is rated the number one penis enlargement pill on the market. This article will give an honest review of the Vimax pill and whether you will actually see a noticeable change in the size of your penis after using the Vimax pill. It will discuss the pros and cons of taking the Vimax pill. Keep reading to find out how you can get a free bonus with your purchase of the Vimax pill.
The Vimax pill is rated the number one penis enlargement pill on the market. There are many reasons for this high rating. I will discuss the reasons why in this Vimax pill review.
The Vimax penis enlargement pill has been created by a professional team of doctors. It is made from a uniquely potent formula which not only substantially increases your penis size, but also improves your sexual desire, intensifies your orgasm plus gives you more endurance during sex.
You will start to see a noticeable change in your penis size within the first weeks of using the Vimax pill. The Vimax pill can enlarge your penis by up to 3-4 inches in length and up to 25 percent in penis width. In the initial four weeks the most noticeable change will be in the width of your penis and a longer lasting penis erection. After just a month or two you will start to see a very noticeable change in the size of your penis - it will be thicker and wider, even without an erection. After just two months you will see an extremely noticeable change in the size of your penis - it will appear stronger and more firm than ever before. The Vimax pill is also said to cure any premature ejaculation problems you may have.
The major downside of the Vimax pill is the price. It isn't free and some people may not be able to afford it initially. However, this is compensated by the fact that you do not have to keep taking the Vimax pill permanently.
Another downside is you cannot just walk into your nearest drug store and buy the Vimax pill. However, it is available for purchase on the internet and the company is said to offer quick delivery, sometimes on the same day.
Another factor to take into account is that you must take the Vimax pill every day for best results so if you are a naturally forgetful person you will need to put a method in place to guarantee that you ingest the Vimax pill on a daily basis.
Of course, once you use the Vimax pill you may not know exactly when to stop using and exactly when your penis is large enough for you. As a guide, most women would find a penis bigger than nine inches too uncomfortable so it's important to bear that in mind.
Copyright 2007. If you are wanting to increase the size of your penis then you MUST know which penis enlargement pill really works and which ones are scams and cheap imitations. The Consumer Health Organization put Vimax and other well-known penis enlargement pills to the test. Its findings will shock you. Only go with a penis enlargement pill you can trust. To find out the best penis enlargement pill for permanent penis enlargement go to